The Sectional door is a great option for those who want to spend a little more to achieve a more personal look from the large range of styles available. The sectional door consists of interlocking panels and with our range we have the added benefit of a tongue and grove join between panels so our sectional doors don’t 'Drip' when opening. We include Mohair weather seal as a standard option around the entire opening.
Specifications, Features & Styles
Made from New Zealand ‘Colorsteel’
Insulated options available
Unique fingersafe profile - fingers cannot get caught between panels
Panels do not hold water in between joins - no drips on the floor
Easily operated manually or automated
Available in standard sizes up to 3.3m high x 6.0m wide
(larger custom built doors available).
Window options available
Can be fully automated with wireless wall switches and remotes
Phone app options available for remote operation
“Alpha Doors offered an easy practical solution to our problem and carried out the exercise in a very professional manner.”

Sectional Door Range
A stylish finish to your home, with their distinctive look and sharp lines they complement the most modern architecture.
Horizontal Timber Cedar
Ribline Woodgrain / Smooth
Aluminum Composite
Flatline Smooth 0.75 / 0.95 / 2mm
Fineline Woodgrain / Smooth
Vertical Timber Cedar
Flat Woodgrain / Smooth
Ribline Smooth